Saturday 12 May 2012

May 9th Had a really good nights sleep at Gordon and Audrey's lovely Post House in Moorlinch. Left the village at 9.30ish and drove Felix and Archie to Taunton for our arranged meet at 12noon on the Helipad at Musgrove Park Hospital No helicopters though and none expected as they have been grounded for some reason. Lovely to see my fellow workmates, who turned out in the RAIN ! Not a problem for us any more.  We left there and changed over ponies at Hillcommon.  Abi  drove William and her favourite Basil to home! We were all determined to get home so we could have a complete day off tomorrow!  It was a lovely drive as we were greeted  by so many people we knew on route. One of the joys of being in home country.  A quick tour of Bampton and then a power on up the hill to Oakford and the cheers to greet us  with a drink from the pub before the short drive to home. Puzzled ponies !!!!  Joy of joys we are on home turf with lots of lovely smiling faces so pleased to see us !  But yet another wet and grey day !